Thursday, August 23, 2007

Research: Women more likely than men to search Web for health info

Research: Women more likely than men to search Web for health info

Women's role as the family caretakers extends to searching online for health information, too. A review of several years' worth of Pew Internet & American Life Project surveys found that women were more likely than men to search for health information online or even at all, reports the Washington Post. This information is crucial to healthcare marketers who should market a wide range of products to women who may be the healthcare decision makers in a family. The research, which was presented over the weekend during the American Psychological Association conference, said that women were also more likely to join online support groups or search for medical information for someone else, such as a child or a parent. The researchers said that the findings are consistent with women's role as "gatekeepers" of information in families, says the Post.

buzz this


Roz said...

I have made a dent in searching the web looking for mainstream cancer researchers who are dissatisfied with the way resaearch is going. I have come up with little. I am not looking for way out theories on this illness and far fetched snake oil cures. I am looking for professionals in the field of cancer research who might think that getting information about this disease from cell lines which do not have the characteristics of human cancer cells, as they are in mammals, is totally wrong. Yes, I know they are convenient. They NEVER die off in petri dishes, as live tumor tissue cells do within a short period of time HELA cell lines and others have been around since the 1950s. But we have not found one effective therapy for metastatic disease despite the billions of dollars and despite the decades of testing drugs on cell lines. Ladies and Gentlemen of Science, may we please have a discussion about this? I believe the favorite model of cancer research is the wrong one. Thank you!