Friday, June 22, 2007

Marketers drop the ball on e-mail campaigns with landing pages

Marketers drop the ball on e-mail campaigns with landing pages

Although e-mail marketers spend a lot of time perfecting e-mail campaigns, they often overlook a crucial next step: the landing page. A new Silverpop study shows that 50% of viewers who click through an e-mail marketing piece will abandon the landing page after only 8 seconds. Silverpop examined 14 elements of e-mail campaigns, such as ease of navigation and amount of copy, from 150 top online marketing companies. The study showed that landing pages are often cluttered and don't echo the look and feel of the e-mail campaign, leading consumers to leave the site. However, 35% of the landing pages didn't have the same look or tone of the email that generated the click. Also, although the landing page should repeat the e-mail's call to action or offer, 45% of landing pages failed to do so.

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